Usability / Volumio->BubbleUPnp / Volume-Potentiometer-Hardware-None

so, 😉

sorry for the lately uninteresting/not so “fresh” news about the ES9038Q2M/ES90xx-chips/boards etc..; maybe that will come back..

today, to keep this blog going, some usability-tricks/tips using a RPI-4B and volumio..->

runs fantastic (imo), is absolutely DSD-capable (remember to use an USB-bridge (XMOS or Anamero) “in-between” and set volumio on “DSD-direct”,”no mixer”, “no resampling”-> else u wouldn´t get the red/torquise DSD-lock-light on the ES9038Q2Ms..->

by that i´ve tried a lot of dlna-apps for volumio and best for me so far is->BubbleUPnP->LINK

there are millions of other (“Mediahouse etc.,etc.,”) but imo, BubbleUPnp correspondends superb with volumio..u can see in BubbleUPnP whats playing, can change the volume via the “normal” volume-keys and u can also play/send .mp4/.mkvs etc.  to volumio and it plays only the audio/tracks..great ! 😉

by that i´ve bought a 10kohm-poti again (wire-diagramm here->  ) and although we have a web-volumecontrol with a MCP4131 “here”->

i still thought its “usability-wise” better to use an old-school (analogue) poti but its still the same problem as first: u have only a very short range (i guess 35 degrees) from full to nothing and u have to turn it manually ;-)(but u are nearer on it 😉 )..still doesnt know the right conclusion for me, still in testing 😉 )..

greets for now and more to come !! 😉

again some new pics->DIY-DAC (ES9038Q2M) / 100.000 visitors..

so, 😉

because we have almost a 100.000 !! visitors here on the site (hooray, tomorrow i guess 😉 ), i post some additionally pics on the improvements of the DIY-DAC..

I´ve added some 0.96OLED (I2C) to display the data-format and rate (DSD/PCM-44.1k-384k DSD256 and so on); by that i use also 2 new LEDs (blue for DSD and red for PCM) to make the dac more shiny 😉 ..

problem was to get the information through the usb-bridge if it got DSD or PCM..will post then more about it..

unfortunately nothing “more” new about these “whole” ess sabre-things, maybe then more, greets for now !! 😉

(fifth picture is from a “Copland CSA100”->Quad Mono Sabre)