“Arduino goes serial with the ESP8266” / quick and dirty tutorial..

so, 😉
in waiting for the new Op-Amp (and looking for the right case + +-15V toroidal transformer), i´ve revived an old WeMoS D1-R2 (ESP8266)for using it with my Arduino-Cambridge-Audio-IR-Remotecontroller substitution (as wifi-/webcontrol)..
quick and dirty tutorial in the forum->http://essabre-90xx-rpi.sfb2.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=89

nothing special, only that i had great problems in using the softwareserial-library on the ESP8266 and that i used “Serial1” instead (via “D4” (GPIO2)-“Serial1.begin(9600)”)
the sketch for the ESP8266 is built around the wonderful, wonderful “autoconnect”-library by “Hieromon”(as posted before)->https://github.com/Hieromon/AutoConnect

more to come, greets for now !! 😉