Wonderful pictures from some ES9028/-38Q2M + measurements..

so, 😉
..some beautiful wiring pictures from some ES9028Q2M+/-38Q2M from a post/thread by “Terry” at the forum (hope i can use the pictures here)->
+ some interesting measurements…
beautifulst 😉


Update: ES9028Q2M 384khz (MPD) in newer Dietpi (6.4 and up) I-Sabre-K2M-driver..

so, 😉
after “Kennyliveforever” made a great post about porting/including the I-Sabre-K2M-driver in Volumio->http://essabre-90xx-rpi.sfb2.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=64, i´ve re-checked this driver-option in Dietpi (v6.6) again..
a few months ago i tried everything to get this driver in Dietpi (earlier versions) to work and there was/i heard absolutely nothing..
Now with the new DietPi (v6.4 and up) there was/must be a change in installing the driver..after you change the soundcard in rpi-config to “i-sabre-k2m” there “comes” a rpi-update and after that it loads some software from codeload.github.com, install some compiler-binaries and after that it compiles a complete new .dtbo (overlay) and includes it automatically afterwards..
some month ago, as said, these steps were absolutely not proceeded..

and now we have our lovely “384khz” back !!!

(i really don´t know why this is not clearly communicated via “fourdee” at dietpi..)
anyway, i started this whole blog/site by/of this problematic and alone for this, this blog has been paid off !! 😉 
okay, i had only a few minutes to test it, but i think with this ess-driver which uses (i hope) and demands the special capabilities of the ES9028Q2M i have a here a really better sound (about 10-20% min., i “surmise”); it comes now really up to my best combo at present->ES9038Q2M with Muses8920+Skysong-USB-bridge !!
but, and this is very important too: i strongly recommend to upgrade your ES9028Q2M to “Muses8920” too !!
(they cost only about 3,50$ from this seller by example (and they are not “fakes”, guess so 😉 )->https://www.ebay.de/itm/362255966842?ViewItem=&item=362255966842)
(i will test if this i-sabre-k2m driver also works with the ES9038Q2M..)